"Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God." Mk 10:29
"For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will find it." Mt 16:25
"Some want to keep the gospel so disembodied that it doesn't get involved at all in the world to save it. Christ is now in history." Oscar Romero

May 5, 2007

Hard Times In Dar

Hello Friends - I wanted to make a plea for prayer for our team leaders Edmond and Dorothy Lyatuu. They arrived in Tanzania on Monday and have been met with nothing but difficulty and pain. Dorothy's father passed away from a routine surgery on Wednesday and Edmond's sister gave birth to a still born that same day. On top of that they have felt discouraged all week that they won't be able to find a house and some costs, such as cell phones (no land lines available), are more expensive than they expected. Please pray for their family as they settle in and readjust to their community. Also, pray that they find reservoirs of God's grace in the mundane and comfort in their loss. Our team's heart goes out to them and plead for God's protection over their lives.
Thank you for sharing this burden ~ peace.