"Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God." Mk 10:29
"For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will find it." Mt 16:25
"Some want to keep the gospel so disembodied that it doesn't get involved at all in the world to save it. Christ is now in history." Oscar Romero

Jul 25, 2007

Getting Ready

We are writing amidst unpacked boxes and half-finished projects – never have we been so aware of our limitations, our tensions, and our weaknesses but still so confident in where our God is leading us. The intensity has increased, but also so has His grace. Everything will fall into place in the end, we believe…

As it stands now, we with our friend and teammate, Grace Mendola will arrive in Dar es Salaam before the other members of the team. We are both eager and excited, but will anxiously await the arrival of our additional teammates. Please remember to pray that they will have great favor on raising support, and the remaining logistical details.

It is almost impossible for us to believe, but we will be moving out of our home the week of the August 14th, and ending our employment the following week. As we pack up our lives here, we have really strong feelings about being intentional with our relationships in the limited remaining time. Of course we would like to spend hours and hours with everyone, but it’s just not realistic at this stage. It would be wonderful to connect with each of you. Please feel free to call or e-mail with any questions, wisdom, or points of interest. We would also be tremendously grateful if those of you who made monthly commitments would begin to give in August or September.

In some other news, Edmond and Dorothy Lyattu, our team leaders, have finally found adequate housing and their spirits have been much uplifted by settling in and beginning to meet new friends in their new community. We are praying intensely about where we our team should locate within the city as our original plans are seemingly diverted as housing is quite limited and very expensive. We are now praying about settling on the north end of Dar es Salaam, instead of our intended plans in one of the western districts. This is something we really hope to hear clearly about from the Holy Spirit. Our team continues to grow together, and we have all felt a strong urging to place our unity at the forefront of most issues. God is with us, and that is good!