"Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God." Mk 10:29
"For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will find it." Mt 16:25
"Some want to keep the gospel so disembodied that it doesn't get involved at all in the world to save it. Christ is now in history." Oscar Romero

Mar 6, 2007

just ordinary people, doing extraordinary things for Jesus

What an awesome time! Our team had a chance to share at Joshua House, the college/young professional service at our church, and it was just so encouraging. We actually got a standing ovation after we shared - there is just quite a lot of excitement surrounding what we get to do. To steal JFK's line above, that sums up what we feel about serving in Tanzania. The other part that was really special to us about sharing at J house is that it was where we "grew up". Both Melissa and I were welcomed into communities there around the age of 18. We were mentored and disciplined by some awesome people and later became leaders. God stretched us and grew us in so many ways through our ministry there, and ultimately prepared us for what we're getting to do now.
It is so good to be involved in a community of believers that challenge and encourage us. We have been so blessed in our home church. So much of what we hope to bring and share with people in Tanzania, are the rich blessings that can exist in a body of believers. I know we still have so much to learn, and in a communal African context, I can't even imagine how awesome the church can become. As Melissa always says, we fully feel the "intense privilege" of what we get to do. Praise Jesus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.