"Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God." Mk 10:29
"For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will find it." Mt 16:25
"Some want to keep the gospel so disembodied that it doesn't get involved at all in the world to save it. Christ is now in history." Oscar Romero

Oct 25, 2007

Life in Iringa

Wow, we have a decent internet cafe in Iringa, which is a quaint little mountain-side town about 500 kilometers from Dar where we're studying Swahili.

It really feels like a reprieve here, which is funny to say b/c we've only been in Dar a month, but the air is much cooler and we're up in the mountains...it feels so much like Wyoming - like a vacation. The people here are super helpful and our language instructor, Kondo, is great - he's been teaching Kiswahili for like 20 years. We sit in a little banda by a small flowing river with the Millers and Grace. We do as much language and practice as possible in the 5 hours we study formally everyday.

We have an interesting schedule, which is a nice change of course.

700 wake up get the boys ready
730 breakfast
800 - 1300 Kiswahili class ("child minders for the boys")
1300 Lunch
1400-1600 Study / kids nap
1800 dinner
2000 Kids asleep - study some more.

We've jammed so much language into 4 days - we can "easily" get around the market and have basic conversations...it's so great to get some language under our belts. There are also some really interesting people at the camp - Wycliffe translators planning to work in remote areas of Tanzania who are studying for like 4 months, seminary professors, nurses, and some other hospital and development volunteers. The campsite has food prepared for all meals and it's quite tasty - we didn't know what to expect. It's really nice not to worry about food or anything else really while we study language.

We've had some interesting evening events in our "chalet". It's a small stone structure that has two small rooms and a bathroom. We actually have hot water for showers which is so great b/c the temperature gets down in the 40's and 50's at night. The first night went well, but the second night we had some visits from furry friends. They were going crazy running around our room and making weird noises. We didn't sleep too well that night. The next night we were ready with some traps, and we caught all of them, we think, even the flying mice...literally it would try to run up the wall, or the book shelf, and then launch itself off the top and run under the bed or something (I never did find their hiding spot). Needless to say, we've caught 4 mice in the room and last night we slept well, sort of.

Please pray for the boys b/c they haven't been sleeping that well and now jude is quite ill...stomach issues. Asher seems to love it here and he's constantly dirty, except for immediately post shower. Also, there is another couple who is coming at the end of the week and we might have to reduce our living space to 1 room if they are unwilling to take one of the tent-bandas. We're not sure how life will be if we're in one small room - literally just enough space for the beds...I guess that's Africa right...also, our car has gave us some fits on the way here and we hope it can make it back to Dar okay.

Well, Kwaheri, for now.


Kirsten Kinnell said...

OH! I'm so so so glad to hear from you!!!

We're praying for the boys, and will pray especially for Jude's tummy. Poor buddy.

I'm glad language is coming well. It's great that in less than a week you've accomplished so much. Just think of what you'll be able to do in three weeks!

I'll pray that the other couple will accept their fate and leave you your chalet :)

We miss you guys like.... like you'd miss a limb or something. Give our love to everyone!

love, love,
k & s

Phil and Judy said...

Hello loved ones,

What a great "catch up"! Iringa sounds wonderful. I'm encouraged by your quick language learning. We've been praying about that specifically.
Give a big hug to Jude for Papa and Grammie, wait until Asher is clean before you give him a hug!
We miss you guys so much. I have your family photo as my screen saver at work. I love seeing your smiling faces, but feel a pang of sadness each time I look.
Love you and bless you,

J. Aguilar said...

Hey Guys,

It is great to hear about your adventures! I can hardly believe you are well on your way with the language in such a short time.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Glad to here you guys are doing to well. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.


fred and/or chris said...

Mice? FLYING mice? Are you kidding me? Have you gone to Oz (no, that was flying monkeys). We have to figure out some way that Chris can't see this part about critters running around. I mean, it's hard enough to get her to go -- I'm definitely saving up to come over -- but Chris?
Couldn't you simply lie a little and turn it into something like a, well, I don't know, a spa experience?

Seriously, thank you and God for the work you're doing. I hope Jude is feeling better (and if it makes you feel any better, there are a lot of kids in school right now that are sick here).

Our best to you (and remember, lie to Chris if you have to do so).


sherra said...

hey, it's so great to read about the details of it all.

i am so so sorry to hear about jude. i will be praying a ton. hugh's on his second round of antibiotics but we are not in the bush. kind of can relate...kind of.

good to see jude and dan on skype for all of 30 sec. :) did you shave jude's head? he looks so different to me. maybe just getting older. i saw bear bear too. :)

love you a bushel and a peck.