"Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God." Mk 10:29
"For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will find it." Mt 16:25
"Some want to keep the gospel so disembodied that it doesn't get involved at all in the world to save it. Christ is now in history." Oscar Romero

Oct 1, 2007

Take 2

We have a house! It's actually a split level home, with one apartment on the bottom and one on top. Grace Mendola will take the top and we'll inhabit the bottom. We move in, in one week - which is cool and a little scary. The best part is the neighborhood, so we think. This new home has a gated entrance, but most of the homes nearby don't have a gate. That means people of often out and about. Secondly, we're about 100 yards down an alleyway from a busy market area. When we visited the house last, there were hundreds of people milling about and all kinds of shops - fruit, electronics, house products, etc. I didn't see any other wzungu (white people), but our part of the apartment has a bide (pronouced bi-day) in one of the bathrooms, so I imagine a European lived there at one time. We are really excited to move in. We'll be about 5 minutes drive from the Lyattu's place. We'll also be just minutes from a major road, so we hope getting around the city will be okay. One thing that is almost unthinkable considering less than 1% of Tanzanians own cars, is the traffic. It must be that most of those owners are in Dar. It's basically out of the question to venture out between 7-9am or 4-7 pm (of course that's unrealistic), but even on the weekends we've already experienced 2+ hours of traffic for a length of drive equivalent to driving from Campus to Worthington. It's just so hard to believe it's going to be like this everyday.
On Sunday we met a really cool woman named Anglea. She's a nurse from England and works on a health project with other doctors. She's invited us to see her efforts this week and we're excited b/c they've been successfully able to turn responsibilities over to indigenous leadership and authority, while strongly sustaining the services. I guess the head guy is quite adept at starting projects and then training others to lead them. I'm hoping we'll get an audience with him at some length this week. He travels often, so I don't know if he'll be in.
Most importantly, can someone please update me on the Yankees! I can't get a fast enough connection to load the espn page. Also, if there is buckeye news perhaps someone can fill me in. Ah, the things we take for granted in the states - fast Internet connections, highways, driving laws (though I must say I'm have fun), billing options (everything, I mean everything, is pre-paid - no "bill me later" stuff), everything Trader Joe's, the sports page every morning, free nights and weekends on the cell phones, free refills, diet pop, water from the tap, snack foods (3 musketeers), and no mosquitoes!!! We have a lot to be thankful for....


Phil and Judy said...

Hello Kids,
Love to hear the updates from Dar. We're so glad you've found such a wonderful place to live, in an area that meets your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Buckeyes are 5-0 (ranked 4th in the nation) YEAH! Yankees just barely got into the playoffs as a wild-card team - BOO!
Love talking with you all. Give a BIG HUG and KISS to the boys from Papa and Grammie!
Love you,
Dad and Mom

Ben said...

Hello all. Sounds like the Lord is working out some details for you. Hope the house works out, as it sounds like the best possible arrangement.
BTW, 7 of the top 25 football teams lost this weekend, including Florida.
We continue to pray for blessings and well being.
Ben, Sarabeth and Hazel

Sarah said...

Love reading the stories of Tanzania. I know what you mean about diet soda. I found one store in all of Guangzhou, China (population 3 million?) that sold it! Coke Light :). Can you believe the Yanks will be playing the INDIANS?!?!? in the playoffs? The Indians! Tell Grace hello.

Kirsten Kinnell said...

Miss you guys so much. Will bring Diet Coke, Three Musketeers and Starbucks. :)

k & s

oats said...

We think of you guys all the time. We are praying for you and we wait in great anticipation for your posts. I love you all so much. Drive safely. : )

Unknown said...

guys, that's fantastic about the house!
when you get a chance, email us your SKYPE name.
we love you all (and miss you!) and pray, pray, pray for you.
when is language school?
D & L

lorah said...

We love you so much! Thanks for the posts (I know the internet is slow...) maybe you will get some of the treats you miss when your family comes out for xmas....!
Love you and miss you a tremendous much - the Campbells

Phil said...

Hey friends. It looks like the Lord is really delivering for you in some keys areas. Praise God!! To update Dan, the Yankees are now out of the playoffs, ousted by the Indians on Monday night. No real news for the Buckeyes, except that they are 6-0 and ranked 3rd in the country!! There have been some major upsets in the last couple weeks, pretty amazing. Bucks are relying on D, have only given up something like 41 points all year. Can't wait to hear more about what the Lord is doing. We love you guys!
Phil and Kasey